What started as a quick trip to Montreal to simply assess Salon Son & Image 2010 to see if it's a show still worth covering has turned out to be quite a bit more. It's turned into a three-day trip that's resulted in a multi-part show report that concludes with this installment, featuring three companies that I think deserve recognition for exhibits that I consider to be Best of Show. They are Verity Audio, VMAX Services and Totem Acoustic, for the reasons I'll describe below. (All prices in US dollars.)
Read more: Montreal for a Day (or Two): Part Four, Awards and Recognition
Part Two of our Salon Son & Image 2010 show report featured new-product highlights that will appeal to the budget-conscious consumer. For Part Three, we went searching again and found plenty of new products of differing sizes, styles, types, and prices that we've highlighted here. (All prices are in US dollars.)
Read more: Montreal for a Day (or Two): Part Three, More New Products
My experiences on the first day left me with the feeling that Salon Son & Image 2010 would be a good show overall and one that's worthwhile for us to cover. Therefore, my goal today (March 26) was to find as many new products as possible and report on them. As you'll see, there are numerous new products specifically aimed toward today's cost-conscious consumers. (All prices are in US dollars.)
Read more: Montreal for a Day (or Two): Part Two, New Products
Montreal's annual Salon Son & Image show has always been one of our favorite events to go to. Montreal is a beautiful city to visit, and each year the show has a good feel to it -- exhibitors are usually upbeat and there are always plenty of consumers attending who are very passionate about music. Occasionally, a snowstorm causes some hassles, as it did about four years ago when a meter of snow was dumped on the city, but it's rarely enough to put a significant damper on things. This high-spirited show is what kicks off the season.
Read more: Montreal for a Day (or Two): Part One, The Assessment