Price: $799.99
Hans said: Given the level of performance it was able to muster in my system, and the fact that it’s the smallest, least expensive subwoofer JL Audio makes, I worry for the competition.
Read the SoundStage! Access review.
The gist: JL breaks into a new price range.
Price: $999.99
Howard said: Like the crazy puppy who lives in my building, the d110 might not be fully grown, but it sure doesn’t act that way. And surprisingly, unlike the puppy, the d110 has bark and bite, providing high output, linear extension, and, above all, tuneful music. It stands among the best of a large class of highly able competitors, and might even be the very best of that small bunch.
Read the SoundStage! Access review.
The gist: JL-quality bass for under a grand is always a good deal.
Price: $1499.99
Kevin said: PSB has not only cut the edge but stropped it razor sharp; it’s a bold statement, and a challenge to all other makers of subwoofers.
Read the SoundStage! Access review.
The gist: Flagship PSB subwoofer strikes all the right cords.