All amplifier measurements are performed independently by BHK Labs. All measurement data and graphical information displayed below are the property of the SoundStage! Network and Schneider Publishing Inc. Reproduction in any format is not permitted.
These measurements were taken at 120V AC line voltage, both channels driven. Measurements were taken on both channels, using inputs 1 and 2. Unless otherwise noted, the data reported below are for the left channel.
Gryphon Audio Designs’ Diablo 120 integrated amplifier builds on the ten-year-long success of Gryphon’s Diablo 300 model.
Chart 1 shows the frequency response of the Diablo 120 with varying loads. The output impedance is low enough that there was negligible variation with the NHT dummy speaker load.
Chart 2 illustrates how the Diablo 120’s total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) vs. power varied for 1kHz and SMPTE IM test signals and amplifier output for 8- and 4-ohm loads. Note that Gryphon claims to use zero overall feedback in the Diablo 120; the levels of distortion, though higher than in most feedback designs, are still reasonable.
The Diablo 120’s THD+N as a function of frequency at a number of increasing power levels is plotted in Chart 3. The levels of increase are moderate.
The Gryphon’s damping factor vs. frequency, plotted in Chart 4, is unusual in its relative flatness. This is a natural consequence of the absence of any overall negative feedback being used, and of not having a series inductor in an output-stabilizing network.
Chart 5 plots the Diablo 120’s spectrum of THD+N residue of a 10W, 1kHz test signal. The AC line harmonics are very low but relatively complex. The signal harmonics are dominated by the second and third harmonics, with higher harmonics of decreasing magnitude.
Some key measurements of the Diablo 120’s digital section were taken. Its AES input was fed with a full-scale 0dBFS digital signal level, and the main amplifier outputs were set as close to 5W/8 ohm as possible with the volume control. Chart 6 shows the frequency response with both of the filter settings, Slow and Fast.
Chart 7 plots the results of a revealing test that I always do on DACs: measure the output amplitude of a 1kHz signal with a 1kHz bandpass filter at full-scale digital level with decreasing input signal level, down to where the output level meets the noise floor. This reveals that the Diablo 120’s noise floor in this test was about -110dBFS, which is pretty good for 24-bit input data.
Red line = open circuit
Magenta line = 8-ohm load
Blue line = 4-ohm load
Cyan line = NHT dummy-speaker load
(Line up at 30W to determine lines)
Top line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Third line = 4-ohm THD+N
Bottom line = 8-ohm THD+N
(8-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 30W
Cyan line = 70W
Green line = 120W
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load
Slow filters
Red line = 44.1kHz
Magenta line = 96kHz
Yellow line = 192kHz
Fast filters
Cyan line = 44.1kHz
Green line = 96kHz
Blue line = 192kHz
24-bit/44.1kHz resolution with 1kHz bandwidth filter
Red line = left channel
Magenta line = right channel
All amplifier measurements are performed independently by BHK Labs. All measurement data and graphical information displayed below are the property of the SoundStage! Network and Schneider Publishing Inc. Reproduction in any format is not permitted.
Notes: The PS Audio Stellar M700 was measured at 120V AC line voltage at its balanced input, unless otherwise noted. The Audio Precision AUX-0025 external filter was used for all measurements -- again, except as noted.
The M700 mono power amp is a member of PS Audio’s new Stellar line of models. Its circuitry comprises a combination of a special PS Audio Gain Cell front end and a powerful class-D power amp section.
Chart 1 shows the M700’s frequency response with varying loads. Like most class-D circuits, this one has some out-of-band high-frequency peaking. Note that these data were taken without the AUX-0025 external filter, to reveal the amp’s true out-of-band HF response. Note also that the level at the high-frequency end of the chart does not continue to attenuate, due to the almost 1V of switching output noise.
Chart 2 illustrates how the M700’s total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) vs. power varied for 1kHz and SMPTE intermodulation test signals and amplifier output into loads of 8 and 4 ohms. The amount of distortion is low, and is dominated by noise up to about 10W, above which it rises smoothly to the onset of clipping.
The PS Audio’s THD+N as a function of frequency at several different power levels is plotted in Chart 3. Here, the increase in distortion with frequency is rather pronounced.
The M700’s damping factor vs. frequency is shown in Charts 4A and 4B. The amplifier has two sets of output terminals, the wire pairs of each going back to the actual single output of the class-D amplifier. When the damping factor measurement is driven and measured at one of these outputs, the damping factor is lower with a higher output impedance than when measured at the other, undriven output terminals. This difference is due to the resistance of the internal wire pair being driven and measured.
Chart 5 plots the spectrum of the Stellar M700’s harmonic distortion and noise residue of a 10W, 1kHz test signal. The AC line harmonics are below the level of the noise, and the signal harmonics are dominated by low amounts of the second and third harmonics.
Red line = open circuit
Magenta line = 8-ohm load
Blue line = 4-ohm load
Cyan line = NHT dummy-speaker load
(Line up at 100W to determine lines)
Top line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Third line = 8-ohm THD+N
Bottom line = 4-ohm THD+N
(4-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 100W
Cyan line = 300W
Green line = 600W
Chart 4A - measured at output terminals
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
Chart 4B - measured at internal output
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load
All amplifier measurements are performed independently by BHK Labs. All measurement data and graphical information displayed below are the property of the SoundStage! Network and Schneider Publishing Inc. Reproduction in any format is not permitted.
Notes: All measurements were made at 120V AC line voltage, both channels driven -- and, unless otherwise noted, through the Direct (DIR) balanced input.
The Taurus Mono is a high-powered amplifier in Constellation Audio’s new Revelation Series of models. All Constellation power amps use a unique circuit design comprising MOSFET and JFET devices. The power-output stage uses only N-type devices, driven symmetrically.
Chart 1 shows the frequency response for both the Direct (DIR) and Balanced (BAL) inputs. Since the response deviation for open circuit, 8 ohms, and 4 ohms were virtual overlays, due to the Taurus Mono’s low output impedance, these curves are for an 8-ohm loading.
Chart 2A illustrates how, in DIR mode, the Taurus Mono’s total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) vs. power varies for 1kHz and SMPTE IM test signals and amplifier output load for loads of 8 and 4 ohms. Chart 2B shows the results for BAL mode.
The DIR input’s THD+N as a function of frequency at several different power levels is plotted in Chart 3. The rise in distortion at high frequencies is fairly pronounced.
The Taurus Mono’s damping factor vs. frequency, shown in Chart 4, is relatively high, remaining at 2-3kHz before declining with increasing frequency.
Chart 5 plots the spectrum of harmonic distortion and noise residue of a 10W, 1kHz test signal. The magnitude of the AC-line harmonics is relatively complex and the signal harmonics are dominantly the third harmonic -- a mark of the symmetry of the plus and minus half-cycles of the signal.
Red line = DIR input 8-ohm loading
Magenta line = BAL input 8-ohm loading
Chart 2A - DIR input
(Line up at 100W to determine lines)
Top line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Third line = 4-ohm THD+N
Bottom line = 8-ohm THD+N
Chart 2B - BAL input
(Line up at 20W to determine lines)
Top line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 4-ohm THD+N
Third line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Bottom line = 8-ohm THD+N
(8-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 30W
Green line = 100W
Yellow line = 400W
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load
All amplifier measurements are performed independently by BHK Labs. All measurement data and graphical information displayed below are the property of the SoundStage! Network and Schneider Publishing Inc. Reproduction in any format is not permitted.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, measurements were taken at the balanced left-channel input, at a line voltage of 120V AC.
The VT80 is a power amplifier in Audio Research’s new Foundation Series, which is said to have a new auto-bias arrangement for the output tubes. These tubes are large KT120s, each operated conservatively at a plate dissipation of about 25W.
Chart 1 shows the frequency response of the VT80 with varying loads. An output impedance of about 1 ohm, which is typical of tubed power amps, causes considerable variation of the output level with load. With the NHT dummy speaker load, the variation in output level with frequency is about +0.5/-1.0dB. The high-frequency, -3dB bandwidth is about 60kHz.
Chart 2 illustrates how the VT80’s total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) vs. power varies for 1kHz and SMPTE intermodulation test signals and amplifier output load for 8- and 4-ohm loads at the 8-ohm output tap. The distortion in this plot starts to rise quickly above 10-20W, depending on the load. Interestingly, the distortion with a 4-ohm load at the 8-ohm tap begins to rise at about 10W, and at 20W for an 8-ohm load on the 8-ohm tap. Note that a load of 4 ohms on the 4-ohm tap would produce a level of distortion similar to that produced by an 8-ohm load on the 8-ohm tap in the chart.
Chart 3 plots the VT80’s THD+N as a function of frequency at several different power levels. The increase of distortion with frequency is reasonable, and the very-low-frequency region shows more distortion at higher power levels.
Chart 4 plots the VT80’s damping factor vs. frequency. The quite low damping factor is typical of tubed power amplifiers, is constant over quite a wide frequency range, and begins to decrease at about 4kHz.
A spectrum of the residue of harmonic distortion and noise of a 10W, 1kHz test signal is plotted in Chart 5. AC-line harmonics are quite complex in frequency content. The signal harmonics are dominated by the second and third harmonics, with decreasing amounts of lower-level higher harmonics.
Red line = open circuit
Magenta line = 8-ohm load
Blue line = 4-ohm load
Cyan line = NHT dummy speaker load
(Line up at 20W to determine lines)
Top line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 4-ohm THD+N
Third line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Bottom line = 8-ohm THD+N
(8-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 30W
Cyan line = 60W
Green line = 75W
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load
All amplifier measurements are performed independently by BHK Labs. All measurement data and graphical information displayed below are the property of the SoundStage! Network and Schneider Publishing Inc. Reproduction in any format is not permitted.
Note: Measurements were taken of both channels of the Parasound Halo A 23+ at 120V AC line voltage, both channels driven, at the balanced and unbalanced inputs. Except as noted, discussed below are the results for the unbalanced inputs and the left channel.
The Halo A 23+, an update of the Halo A 23, is the lowest-powered amplifier model in Parasound’s Halo line. Because the A 23+ can be switched between stereo and bridged mono, some measurements were taken in both modes. In the charts below, the suffix A indicates measurements taken in stereo mode, the suffix B measurements taken in bridged mono.
Charts 1A and 1B show the Halo A 23+’s frequency response with varying loads. Chart 1A shows both channels, as between them there is a small difference in gain. Because the A 23+’s output regulation is so tight, only the 8-ohm loading is shown; the other loadings look the same. Note the greater high-frequency rolloff in bridged mode, due to the series connected nature of the load in bridged-mono mode.
Chart 2A illustrates how the Halo A 23+’s total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) vs. power varies for 1kHz and SMPTE intermodulation test signals and amplifier output load with loads of 8 and 4 ohms. Chart 2B shows only the results in bridged mode for a load of 8 ohms -- the Halo A 23+ is not specified for use with 4-ohm loads in bridged mode.
The Halo A 23+’s THD+N as a function of frequency at several different power levels is plotted in Charts 3A and 3B. The increase in high-frequency distortion with frequency is moderate, and distortion remains reasonably low through most of the power range in both stereo and bridged-mono modes.
Chart 4 shows that the Parasound’s damping factor vs. frequency is of a value and nature typical of many solid-state amplifiers: high up to 1-2kHz, then rolling off with frequency. Not unexpectedly, the damping factor was lower in bridged mono, due to the fact that in this mode each channel’s output impedance is doubled.
Chart 5, the spectrum of the residue of harmonic distortion and noise of a 10W, 1kHz test signal, reveals a lot of line-frequency harmonics of significant amplitude. The signal harmonics are dominated by the second harmonic, with higher harmonics of significantly lower amplitude.
Chart 1A - stereo mode
Stereo mode
Red line = Lch 8-ohm load (open circuit and 4-ohm loading look the same)
Blue line = Rch 8-ohm load (open circuit and 4-ohm loading look the same)
Chart 1B - mono mode
Mono mode
Red line = 8-ohm load (open circuit and 4-ohm loading look the same)
Chart 2A - stereo mode
Stereo mode
(Line up at 70W to determine lines)
Top line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 4-ohm THD+N distortion
Third line = 8-ohm THD+N
Bottom line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Chart 2B - mono mode
Mono mode
(Line up at 70W to determine lines)
Top line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 8-ohm THD+N
Chart 3A - stereo mode
Stereo mode
(8-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 30W
Cyan line = 160W
Chart 3B - mono mode
Mono mode
(8-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 30W
Green line = 200W
Yellow line = 400W
Cyan line = 600W
Stereo mode
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
Stereo mode
1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load
All amplifier measurements are performed independently by BHK Labs. All measurement data and graphical information displayed below are the property of the SoundStage! Network and Schneider Publishing Inc. Reproduction in any format is not permitted.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, all measurements were taken using the balanced input of the Bryston 4B3’s left channel, with 120V AC line voltage driving both channels at 29dB gain.
The Bryston 4B3 is a high-power stereo power amplifier capable of operating in bridged-mono mode; most measurements were also made in the mono mode.
Chart 1 shows the 4B3’s frequency response with varying loads. The output impedance over most of the audioband is low enough that the IHF load would not show any appreciable difference within that bandwidth. In mono mode (not shown), the amount of change with load at 200kHz was about double.
Chart 2A illustrates how the 4B3’s total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) vs. power varies for 1kHz and SMPTE IM test signals into 8 and 4 ohms. Chart 2B shows the results for the mono mode into 8 ohms. The levels of distortion are very low.
THD+N as a function of frequency at several different power levels is plotted in Chart 3. The degree of increase in distortion at high frequencies is admirably low.
Chart 4 shows the 4B3’s damping factor vs. frequency: though high at low frequencies, it starts to decline at a lower frequency than in most solid-state designs. The damping factor for the mono mode (not shown) is similar in shape but about half the magnitude.
The spectrum of the harmonic distortion and noise residue of a 10W, 1kHz test signal is plotted in Chart 5. The magnitude of the AC line harmonics is reasonably low, and dominated by odd harmonics of 60Hz. The test-signal harmonics are very low, consisting mostly of the second and third harmonics.
Stereo mode
Red line = open circuit
Magenta line = 8-ohm load
Blue line = 4-ohm load
Chart 2A
Stereo mode
(Line up at 100W to determine lines)
Top line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 4-ohm THD+N
Third line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Bottom line = 8-ohm THD+N
Chart 2B
Mono mode
(Line up at 100W to determine lines)
Top line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 8-ohm THD+N
Stereo mode
(8-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 30W
Cyan line = 100W
Green line = 300W
Stereo mode
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
Stereo mode
1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load
All amplifier measurements are performed independently by BHK Labs. All measurement data and graphical information displayed below are the property of the SoundStage! Network and Schneider Publishing Inc. Reproduction in any format is not permitted.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, measurements were made at 120V AC line voltage, using the balanced inputs, and with the left channel.
Parasound’s Halo JC 5 is one of the latest results of John Curl’s long-established expertise in power-amplifier design. Weighing a hefty 90 pounds, it’s a beautiful unit, impressive indeed.
The frequency responses for the Halo JC 5’s stereo and mono modes are plotted in Charts 1A and 1B. Notable are the smooth high-frequency rolloff and the good regulation with load changes. The greater rolloff in mono mode is essentially caused by the outputs of the two stereo channels in series into the loads.
The JC 5’s total harmonic distortion (THD) plus noise and SMPTE intermodulation distortion are shown in Charts 2A and 2B for, respectively, the stereo and mono modes. (In mono mode, the JC 5 is specified for 8-ohm loads.)
Charts 3A and 3B plot the Halo JC 5’s THD+N vs. frequency and power. The rise in high-frequency distortion is typical of most of the power amplifiers I test.
The Halo JC 5’s damping factor vs. frequency in stereo mode, plotted in Chart 4, is typical of solid-state amplifiers: high at low frequencies, and falling above a few hundred hertz. Not surprisingly, the result in mono mode (not shown) looked similar, but with about half the damping factor. Again, this is because, in mono mode, the output is the series output of the two stereo channels.
Chart 5, the spectrum of a 10W, 1kHz signal into 8 ohms, shows low amounts of signal harmonics, mainly the second and third harmonics -- a good thing for sound. Also visible, however, are large amounts of line-based hum harmonics; these are of high enough magnitude to contribute to the total harmonic measurement amount.
Chart 1A - stereo mode
Stereo mode
Red line = open circuit
Magenta line = 8-ohm load
Blue line = 4-ohm load
Chart 1B - mono mode
Mono mode
Red line = open circuit
Magenta line = 8-ohm load
Blue line = 4-ohm load
Chart 2A - stereo mode
Stereo mode
(Line up at 100W to determine lines)
Top line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Third line = 4-ohm THD+N
Bottom line = 8-ohm THD+N
Chart 2B - mono mode
Mono mode
(Line up at 100W to determine lines)
Top line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 8-ohm THD+N
Chart 3A - stereo mode
Stereo mode
(4-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 75W
Cyan line = 200W
Green line = 400W
Yellow line = 600W
Chart 3B - mono mode
Mono mode
(8-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 100W
Cyan line = 600W
Green line = 1200W
Stereo mode
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
Stereo mode
1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load
All amplifier measurements are performed independently by BHK Labs. All measurement data and graphical information displayed below are the property of the SoundStage! Network and Schneider Publishing Inc. Reproduction in any format is not permitted.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, measurements were taken at the Devialet Expert 130 Pro’s left-channel Coax 1 digital input, at a sampling rate of 96kHz and with 120V AC line voltage, both channels driven.
The Expert 130 Pro is an unusual and clever combination of class-A and class-D amplification: The class-A section swings the output voltage, and the class-D section supplies most of the output current. Unique among designs using class-D circuitry, there is no output low-pass filter. As a result, the Devialet’s high-frequency response is quite independent of load. The Expert 130 has a limiter circuit that prevents it from clipping, which meant I couldn’t run my usual test of clipping behavior along with the power output at 1% and 10% THD+N. The Devialet’s digital switching frequency noise was low enough that I didn’t need to use Audio Precision’s AUX-0025 external low-pass filter in my testing, as I usually do.
I tested the Devialet’s volume-control tracking using a 1kHz test tone with the reference volume being that of the 5W output with a 500mV signal input. Volume-control tracking was within less than 0.1dB with volume settings of +30dB to -30dB.
Chart 1A shows the frequency response of the Expert 130 Pro with varying loads and with my usual vertical scale: the curves of the open circuit and 8- and 4-ohm loads are direct overlays; that is, they’re identical. The analog input frequency response with a sampling frequency of 96kHz looks about the same. Chart 1B plots the Expert 130 Pro’s frequency responses for sample rates of 44.1, 96, and 192kHz. For these kinds of response curves driven by the Audio Precision digital generator, it’s not possible to follow the curves very far into the high-frequency cutoff region, due to those frequencies approaching one-half the sampling frequency.
Chart 2 illustrates how the Expert 130 Pro’s total harmonic distortion plus noise (THD+N) vs. power varies for 1kHz and SMPTE intermodulation test signals and amplifier output for loads of 8 and 4 ohms. The amount of distortion is quite low, and is dominated by noise rather than by distortion per se over much of the power range. This test yielded very similar results when taken at the Devialet’s analog input.
The Expert 130 Pro’s THD+N as a function of frequency at several different power levels is plotted in Chart 3. This amplifier’s levels of distortion are so low that measuring its THD+N with an 80kHz filter bandwidth, as I usually do, didn’t actually reveal the distortion, which remains largely below the level of the noise. To compensate for this, in Chart 3 I reduced the measurement bandwidth to 22kHz, at the cost of showing an increase in distortion in the last two octaves of the audio range. Nonetheless, the readings are still largely dominated by noise, and show the distortion’s tendency to rise at higher frequencies.
The Devialet’s damping factor vs. frequency is plotted in Chart 4. These data were taken as a function of the Devialet’s volume-control setting, and surprisingly showed this variation in the high-frequency shape. Note that is with the digital input signal set to Off, and the output of the channel measured driven differentially from a separate power amplifier. A regulated 1A of current as a function of frequency is applied to each phase of the tested amplifier’s output as a function of frequency.
Chart 5 plots the spectrum of the Expert 130 Pro’s harmonic distortion and noise residue of a 10W, 1kHz test signal. The line harmonics are visible but low in magnitude. The signal harmonics are mainly the second, with lower-level, higher-order harmonics above that. These data show just how low the Devialet’s distortion is, and the values in Chart 3 approach this.
Red line = open circuit
Magenta line = 8-ohm load
Blue line = 4-ohm load
Red line = 44.1kHz
Magenta line = 96kHZ
Blue line = 192kHz
(Line up at 20W to determine lines)
Top line = 4-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Second line = 8-ohm SMPTE IM distortion
Third line = 4-ohm THD+N
Bottom line = 8-ohm THD+N
(8-ohm loading)
Red line = 1W
Magenta line = 10W
Blue line = 30W
Cyan line = 60W
Green line = 80W
Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
Red line: +10dB
Magenta line: 0dB
Blue line: -10dB
Cyan line: -20dB
1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load
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