SoundStage! and SoundStage! A/V Year-End Award Winners

The SoundStage! and SoundStage! A/V year-end awards are divided into seven categories.

Edge of the Art: Wilson Audio Specialties X-2 Series 2 Loudspeakers

Sheryl Lee and David Wilson (left and middle) of Wilson Audio Specialties with SoundStage!'s Marc Mickelson.

Exceptional Value: Bryston BP 6 C-Series Preamplifier

Bryston's James Tanner (right) with Marc Mickelson.

Budget Leader: Infinity Primus P162 Loudspeakers

Frank Doris (right), representing Infinity, with the SoundStage! Network's Roger Kanno.

Innovation in Design: PSB Synchrony One Loudspeakers

Paul Barton (left) with SoundStage! Network publisher Doug Schneider.

Best Product Debut: Grant Fidelity RITA-880 Integrated Amplifier

Grant Fidelity's Ian Grant (right) with the SoundStage! Network's Jeff Fritz.

Aesthetics & Sound: Definitive Technology Mythos STS Loudspeakers

Definitive Technologies' Sandy Gross (right) with the SoundStage! Network's Roger Kanno.

Hall of Fame: Tri-Planar Mk IV UII Tonearm

Tri-Planar's Tri Mai.