November 2009
Esoteric SA-50 SACD/CD Player
 In most cases, reviewing a piece of audio gear is a walk in the
proverbial park. Hook it up, plug it in, let it burn in, listen -- then describe in detail
what youve heard. Not all that hard, really. But every once in a while, a component
comes along that forces the reviewer to put in the time. Esoterics SA-50 two-channel
SACD/CD player is one such.
On the surface, what should be so hard about reviewing an
SACD/CD player? You just listen to it, right? Well, in this case, not exactly. The SA-50
has so many features that it required me to not only listen to its replay of SACDs and
CDs, but to use all of those variables and describe how each affected the sound. When you
read how many choices there are, youll understand why the SA-50 is not your
conventional audio component -- and might be a huge bargain even at its list price of
$5800 USD.
Not only does the SA-50 use one of the worlds better
transports -- the Vertically aligned Optical Stability Platform (VOSP), designed and built
by Esoteric -- to extract from the disc the maximum data with as little error correction
and jitter as possible, but the entire player is designed to maximize that process. The
SA-50 can be plugged directly into a power amplifier; its internal volume control makes a
preamplifier unnecessary. There are all sorts of input options. Toss in all the sampling,
upsampling, and filter variables, and you have a component that makes discovering which
combination of options gives the best possible sound for each format a long-drawn-out
process -- but given Esoterics track record of building top-quality, great-sounding
digital gear, a process well worth working through.
Build quality
The innocuous looking SA-50 measures 17 3/8"W x
6"H x 13 7/8"D, weighs nearly 40 pounds, and is built like a brick. The
build quality alone seems worth the price. The SA-50 plays SACDs and CDs and has multiple
digital inputs -- TosLink optical, coaxial RCA, and USB -- along with TosLink and
coaxial RCA digital outputs. Though why youd want to use those digital outputs is
open to debate, due to the dual Asahi Kasei EMD 32-bit DACs (yes, you read that right -- a
full 32 bits), plus a fully balanced internal design.
Centered on the front panel is a dark-glass display screen,
and nearly centered within that is the disc tray. To the right of these are buttons for
drawer Open/Close, Track Forward and Back, and below them, the Stop, Play, and Pause
buttons. At the far left of the front panel is the Power button -- which, surprisingly, is
not controlled by the hefty remote control.
Next to Power is the Mode button -- and describing what
this single button does will take a couple of paragraphs. A series of quick pressings of
Mode offers a choice of disc replay and TosLink, coax, and USB inputs. Pressing Mode for
two seconds or longer brings up a different set of menu options. With the first, the user
chooses the level of upsampling (all upsampling is done at 32 bits): Original (no
upsampling), 2Fs (upsamples the incoming signal from 32, 44.1, or 48kHz to 64, 88.2, or
96kHz), 4Fs (upsamples to 128, 176.4, or 192kHz), and PCM (upsamples to DSD). With the
next Mode menu, you choose how you want your SACDs played: in Native DSD, 2Fs+6 (converts
the DSD signal to 32-bit/88.2kHz PCM), or 4Fs+6 (converts it to 32-bit/176.4kHz PCM); each
of the last two modes raises the gain by 6dB. The 2Fs and 4Fs modes do the same thing as
2Fs+6 and 4Fs+6, respectively, but with no change in gain.
The next Mode menu offers choices of digital filter: Finite
Impulse Response (FIR) oversamples 8x for a fuller, richer, deeper sound; Short Delay also
oversamples the signal, but without pre-echo, natural attack, and reverberation, for a
sound that Esoteric says is closer to the original signal. Press Mode again and
youre given the option of adding an external word clock, followed by Master Clock
extraction (not having an external clock, I didnt try this). Next is a choice of
turning the digital outputs on or off (I left them off), followed by Attenuator on/off for
controlling the volume when the SA-50 is plugged straight into a power amp. Following
that, you can choose how you want the analog output terminals set: to Off, RCA, XLR:2 (pin
2 hot), XLR:3 (pin 3 hot), or both. Finally, you can choose to have the USB input circuit
active all the time, or only when in use (I chose the latter).
Thats a lot of choices. Fortunately, many of them are
of the "find what you like, set it, and forget it" variety. I left SACD replay
on Native DSD -- I saw no reason to convert DSD to PCM and thus add another step to the
processing chain, especially in an SACD player -- though any difference in the sound was
subtle. For CDs, I used 4Fs to upsample to 32-bit/176.4kHz; for USB, I preferred Original
with no upsampling. After some experimentation, I left the Filter setting on FIR; I found
that Short Delay softened the sound a bit too much for my taste. And while I tried
listening single-ended, I preferred XLR for its cleaner, quieter sound. But if your preamp
is single-ended only, dont think youre missing out -- the differences, while
audible, were not pronounced.
As you face the rear panel, from left to right are the
digital inputs: USB, coaxial, and optical. Next are the digital outputs: coaxial and
optical. In the center are the line outputs, both XLR and single-ended, for the right and
left channels -- the SA-50 has no multichannel output. Centered between the pairs of
right- and left-channel outputs is the Word Sync output jack. At the far right of the rear
panel is a signal ground terminal, and below it the IEC power-cord receptacle -- you can
use Esoterics cord or one of your own. I used my reference Harmonic Technologies Pro
AC-11 cord.
The lengths to which Esoteric has gone to make the SA-50
the best it can be are revealed by the players feet: touch them and they move. In
each foot, a spike descends from the base of the machine to rest in a cup that helps drain
unwanted vibrations from the chassis. Nifty. And they work, too.
The remote control is the same long, heavy model Esoteric
uses for most of their digital components, so some of its buttons dont apply to the

The system used for this review comprised: a Stello CDA320
CD player/DAC and a Toshiba laptop computer as sources (a Blue Circle Audio USB
Thingee and a DH Labs D-75 digital cable connected the laptop to the Stello); an Audio
Research LS17 line stage and Brystons new 4B-SSTē power amplifier;
Paradigm Reference Studio 100 v.3 loudspeakers; Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval interconnects,
both balanced and single-ended, and Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 biwire
speaker cables; and a generic, 2m-long USB cable. Power cables were mostly Harmonic
Technologies Pro AC-11, with an Analysis Plus Power Oval 10 for the Bryston amp.
Accessories included two Salamander Archetype two-shelf
racks, a RadioShack Bulk Demagnetizer, a Blue Circle BC6000 power conditioner, and
seven different Symposium products: Roller Blocks Series 2+, Roller Block Jr.s., Fat Padz,
Pod Points, Ultra Platform, Svelte Shelves, and an Isis Shelf.
Esoteric recommends a minimum of 400 hours of
burn-in before doing any critical listening to the SA-50 -- thats almost
two-and-a-half weeks of 24/7 use. You have no idea of the willpower required of a
reviewer, store owner, or buyer to wait for an SA-50 to reach its full potential before
doing any listening. But wait I did. I cheated a bit by doing a little listening after the
300-hour mark, to hear how things were progressing. Things sounded promising indeed.
The first thing I noticed after the full burn-in was that
the SA-50 sounded a bit more forward than Im used to. Closer investigation revealed
that it wasnt so much that the SA-50 sounded forward as that it had tremendous
resolution. That clarity of sound -- even of the instruments farthest from the front --
gave the impression of an upfront soundstage. The more I listened to well-recorded music,
the more clearly I heard that each instrument occupied its own space, just as it would in
real life. The other side of the coin was that poor recordings sounded like poor
recordings. The SA-50 giveth and the SA-50 taketh away.
At first, I also thought that the SA-50 threw a narrower
soundstage than I was used to -- one that didnt extend past the speakers to left or
right. But after some more listening, I found, again, that the SA-50 was only reproducing
what was on each disc, not adding to or subtracting from it in any way -- a good thing.
Good recordings with wide soundstages spread from wall to wall and well behind the speaker
plane; studio recordings of popular music sounded fairly flat in comparison.
Over the years, Ive found that each audio component
Ive listened to has tended to reproduce one instrument better than others. Some,
like the SA-50, may "do" many instruments well, but all do one superbly. With
the SA-50, it was the acoustic piano. Wow, could this machine handle the swell and ebb,
the power and delicacy, the detail and harmonics of a well-recorded piano. I know that
Gary Cooper uses a fortepiano on Vols. 7 and 8 of his and Rachel Podgers series of
recordings of Mozarts complete violin sonatas (SACD, Channel Classics CCS SA 28109).
Coopers good-sized instrument was almost perfectly captured by the Esoteric, which
let me hear the hammers hitting the strings, as well as the strings then vibrating and
exciting the wooden soundboard. Yet the SA-50 also made clear that the fortepiano lacks
the range of a concert-grand piano. But Podgers violin sounded just plain sweet --
all rosiny bow on strings over a much smaller wooden body. And when I gave the SA-50 a
powerful player such as jazz pianist Gene Harris, it let me hear how he uses his piano as
the percussion instrument it is.
Because the SA-50 is, first and foremost, an SACD player, I
began by listening to as many different SACDs as I could. Picking one of my best-recorded
jazz discs, Steve Daviss Quality of Silence (DMP SACD-04), I got an instant
education in how well the SA-50 plays the format. This was simply the best reproduction of
this wonderful-sounding disc Ive ever heard from my system. Daviss drum kit
was alive, from his brushes on cymbals (I could almost count the bristles) to his sticks
on drum heads. Each sounded lifelike, with good, solid, crisp transients, plenty of air
surrounding the kit, and enough harmonic information to make each note stand out
distinctly from its fellows. No smearing was evident. The piano sounded as noted above --
superb -- the bass was deep, taut, and woody, the guitar had the requisite electric
signature, and the soprano sax had a brassy sound more akin to that of a clarinet than an
alto or tenor sax. This disc also revealed how the SA-50 handled the spaces between the
notes -- as large a part of the music on this album as the notes themselves. What I heard
more closely resembled the living silence of good analog than the dead digital silence of
There was a delicacy to the SA-50 that could, with the
right disc, simply take my breath away. It drew me in, making me feel as if I were in the
presence of the musicians. Take the hollow-body guitars of Herb Ellis and Joe Pass on Seven,
Come Eleven (SACD, Concord SACD-1015-6). Each individual pluck or strum of strings was
almost perfectly captured. Plus, I could hear how the body of the guitar itself shaped the
sound, as well as how the amplifier simply amplified the sound of that body.
But with power music such as Roxy Musics Avalon
(SACD, Virgin 5 83871 2), I could hear that the SA-50 didnt shrink from dynamic
range or volume. I reveled in the opening drum roll of "More Than This." There
was power behind each beat, and the electric guitars had the appropriate crunch.
Finally, voices sounded wonderful. Male or female, from
David Clayton-Thomas to Carole King, the lead singer was always front and center. I got
the feeling of being in the presence of an actual person. I got a real sense of air being
forced up from the lungs, through the vocal cords, and out the mouth. And background
singers were presented as individuals standing in their own spaces, as opposed to a simple
wall of voices.
But even I realize that there arent enough SACDs to
constitute a decent music library, even if youre a classical-only fan. Any SACD
machine must, at the least, do a decent job of playing CDs, as most of us have large CD
libraries. Because most dual-format players seem to focus on SACD at the expense of CD
replay, one might be concerned that the SA-50 falls into that trap. However, I found that
the SA-50 did a very good to excellent job of playing CDs. Depending on which level of
upsampling (if any) I chose -- as well as those 32-bit dual DACs and the quality of the
individual disc -- the SA-50s playing of "Red Book" CDs was as good as or
better than what Im used to.
While Original mode (no upsampling) offered very good CD
sound, upsampling CDs to 32-bit/176.4kHz offered the most detail without any of the
softening of music that Ive heard with other upsampling rates and players. Plus, I
liked that the SA-50 produces only whole multiples of the input signal, upsampling 44.1kHz
to 176.4kHz, and not to 192kHz. This means that the Esoteric has a simpler mathematical
job to do. But I suggest experimenting for yourself; you and I may hear different things.
With the SA-50 set to 4x upsampling, well-recorded jazz
discs such as Thunder, by SMV -- Stanley Clarke, Marcus Miller, and Victor
Wooten (CD, Heads Up HUCP 3163) -- sounded superb. Each of these three bass players was
easily identifiable. From the elegant fusion leanings of Clarke to Millers precise
power to Wootens slap style, each had his own sound. Plus, that distinctive purr of
their electric guitars was readily evident.
The SA-50 plainly displayed the details encoded on any
well-recorded disc I placed in its drawer. A quick listen to The Django Reinhardt
Festival: Live at Birdland -- Gypsy Swing! (CD, Kind of Blue 100010) showed off
this quality in spades. This disc boasts multiple acoustic guitars, and the SA-50 sorted
them out, placing each firmly on the soundstage with its own unique sonic signature. And
when I listened to live recordings, I almost felt a part of the audience. But just because
the SA-50 did detail so well didnt mean it shortchanged the musics rhythmic
content. Gypsy Swing! still swung like crazy -- as befits a tribute to Django
Mark Knopflers Kill to Get Crimson (CD, Warner
Bros. 281660-2) is a study in precision and delicacy. As Knopfler has aged, hes
discovered how much can be said with fewer notes, if those notes are the right ones --
much of his later solo work is more about the right note played at precisely the right
time. The SA-50 kept those notes in the proper and precise order, and the delicacy of
Knopflers playing came shining through.
One of my favorite classical works is Mozarts
Serenade for Winds in B-flat Major, K.361, "Gran Partita," and I thoroughly
enjoy the performance recorded in 1976 in Londons Kingsway Hall by Daniel Barenboim
and members of the English Chamber Orchestra (CD, EMI 4 76918 2). Barenboim takes this
serenade a bit more slowly than do other conductors, but that just gives me more of a
chance to concentrate on the music. The 13 winds and double bass bloomed fully through the
SA-50. I could pick out each instrument if I chose, while never losing a sense of the
overall beauty of the work.
But while the SA-50s 32-bit/176.4kHz upsampling made
CDs far more enjoyable, it still didnt equal the sonic quality of a well-recorded
Plugging my Toshiba laptop into the SA-50s USB input
and running my iTunes library (ripped to Apple Lossless) through the SA-50s dual
32-bit DACs revealed just how much wonderful sound -- and how much fun -- can be had with
even this most rudimentary of music-server systems. One interesting thing was that, using
my laptop, I preferred the Esoterics Original mode (no upsampling). I thought that
using any upsampling denigrated the sound to a noticeable degree. But even with the
excellent VOSP transport, a hard-drive-based replay system needed no extra help in
reproducing superb sound from the 16/44.1 source. I heard no smearing or discontinuation
that would indicate the presence of jitter, which told me that all the design work
Esoteric has put into the SA-50 was paying big dividends where it counts: in the music.
Solo piano is always a good test of how well a system is
designed, so I pulled up my rip of Walter Davis Jr.s In Walked Thelonious
(Mapleshade 56312) and kicked back to see how the SA-50 would handle it. In the liner
notes, Davis claims that he felt the ghost of Thelonious Monk was helping him along as he
played Monks compositions. Listening via the Esoterics USB input, I could hear
what Davis meant. There was a noticeable feel of something extraordinary happening, and
Mapleshade has captured the sound of Daviss piano so cleanly and clearly that I felt
I was in the studio with him -- and Monk. Once Id heard how well the SA-50
reproduced solo piano, I found that whatever disc I played sounded as good as what the
recording and mastering engineers had laid down. Plus, having the ability to hear what I
wanted at the touch of a screen was a treat. What I liked best was to simply put iTunes on
Shuffle play. Its the best radio station I know -- it plays only the music I want to
Finally, I decided to hear how good the SA-50s
internal volume control was. Could it really obviate the need for a preamplifier in an
all-digital system? Well, in two words, pretty much. If I didnt need multiple analog
inputs for my phono stage, I could see where running an SA-50 directly into my Bryston
4B-SSTē power amp could keep me happy enough. The sound was clean, clear, precise, and
with slightly more depth than the SA-50 run through my Audio Research preamp. But there
was also a tad bit more digital edge, as well as a tiny sense of discontinuity to the
overall sound. But then, nothings perfect, and the SA-50, doing double duty as a
preamp and CD player, wasnt. But if you dont need multiple inputs (outside of
digital ones), I recommend giving it a try -- you may be in for a pleasant and
money-saving surprise.
Comparing the SA-50 to Esoterics own entry-level
SA-10 SACD/CD player was instructive. It showed that, at least with Esoteric, if you pay
more, you really do get more. In SACD or CD mode, the SA-50 passed on more of the music in
a more lifelike manner than the SA-10 could muster -- and the SA-10 is no slouch in this
regard. But whether it was acoustic jazz or classical music or popular electric music, the
SA-50s reproduction of it all was much more realistic, and a closer approximation of
the actual event. Nor could the SA-10 compete in the upsampling or filtering departments.
My Stello CDA320 CD player and the Esoteric SA-50 both did
wonderful jobs of playing 16/44.1 digital, but where the Stellos sound is more
organic and rich, the SA-50 was more detailed and precise. Pick your poison. Each will
appeal to a certain type of listener (though I could easily live with either). Both offer
upsampling and digital inputs, though the Stello forgoes the USB option -- so if
thats important to you, then listen very closely to the SA-50s CD replay to
see if its your cup of tea.
The Esoteric SA-50 may be the one digital component that
will not become obsolete anytime soon. From superb SACD replay to outstanding CD
reproduction to USB input to its ability to function as a preamp in an all-digital system,
the SA-50 offers so many options from its multiple digital inputs that, even for $5800, it
represents a genuine bargain. Toss in the fact that it does all of these things well, and
some of them excellently, and you can see where it will give you more than your
moneys worth.
If youre like me and own a decent collection of
SACDs, a large CD library, and want to future-proof yourself with digital inputs that
include a superb USB jack, then the Esoteric SA-50 may end your search for a single
machine that can handle all these choices well. Its ended mine.
. . . John Crossett
Esoteric SA-50 SACD/CD Player
Price: $5800 USD.
Warranty: Three years parts and labor with warranty-card return (two years without). Esoteric Division
Teac America
7733 Telegraph Road
Montebello, CA 90640
Phone: (323) 726-0303
E-mail: esoteric_info@teac.com
Website: esoteric.teac.com |